Section: Dissemination


  • Jérémie Detrey gave a presentation on the Enigma machine and its cryptanalysis to high-school teachers as part as the “journée EPI-ISN”.

  • Pierrick Gaudry gave a presentation at the “journée de l'Association francophone des spécialistes de l'investigation numérique”.

  • Marion Videau:

    • gave a talk for the awards ceremony of the Olympiades de maths in Lorraine.

    • gave a practical session of cryptography and information security for students from lycées taking part in an immersion day at the faculty.

    • participated to events on information about university studies for pupils and students (Clés de la réussite, Portes ouvertes de la faculté des sciences, Oriaction).

  • Paul Zimmermann takes part in the “Maths-en-Jeans” program, with about 20 students in “troisième” at the Collège Pierre Brossolette in Réhon.